Solved MCQ on Core Operating System Principle set-13

1) In memory management, a technique called as paging, the physical memory is broken into fixed sized blocks called .........

A. pages

B. frames

C. blocks

D. segments

2) Which method is used to recover from deadlock?

A. Process termination

B. Resource preemption

C. Resource non-preemption

D. Process termination and Resource preemption

3) Saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state of the new process is called ....

A. context switch

B. static

C. multi programming

D. none of the above

4) The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled by ......

A. CPU scheduler

B. context switching

C. long term scheduler

D. medium term scheduler

5) Input transfers are done in advance and output transfers are done after sometimes in which of these technique?

A. Spooling

B. Buffering

C. Swapping

D. Paging

6) A binary semaphore .........

A. has the values one or zero

B. is essential to binary computers

C. is used only for synchronization

D. is used only for mutual exclusion

7) A scheduling algorithm is fair .......

A. if no process faces starvation.

B. if a process is starved, detect it and run it with high priority

C. if it uses semaphores

D. only if a queue is used for scheduling

8) Which of the following is also known as Double buffering?

A. anticipated buffering

B. buffer swapping

C. circular buffering

D. swapping buffering

9) .......... is the ability of a system to continue functioning in the event of partial system failure.

A. fault avoidance

B. fault tolerance

C. fault detection

D. fault recovery

10) Virtual memory is .........

A. an extremely large main memory

B. an extremely large secondary memory

C. an illusion of extremely large main memory

D. a type of memory used in super computers

11) Error handling and I/O interrupt handling are the functions of ......

A. I/O device Handler

B. I/O traffic controller

C. I/O scheduler

D. I/O buffer

12) In a multi-threaded environment..........

A. each thread is allocated with new memory from main memory

B. main thread terminates after the termination of child threads

C. every process can have only one thread

D. none of the above

13) The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by using a data structure called ......

A. process control block

B. user control block

C. memory control block

D. hardware control block

14) A virtual device is a ..........

A. dedicated for none purpose

B. shared device converted to a dedicated device

C. dedicated device converted to a shared device

D. shared device

15) CPU scheduling is the basis of ...........operating system.

A. batch

B. real time

C. multiprogramming

D. monoprogramming

16) ......... is a high speed cache used to hold recently referenced page table entries a part of paged virtual memory.

A. Translation look a side buffer

B. Inverse page table

C. Segmented page table

D. Indexed page table

17) A technique that smooths out peaks in I/O demand is ........

A. spooling

B. buffering

C. swapping

D. paging

18) In kernel model, the operating system services such as process management, memory management are provided by the kernel.

A. monolithic

B. micro

C. macro

D. Complex

19) A process is said to be in ........... state if it was waiting for an event that will never occur.

A. safe

B. unsafe

C. starvation

D. dead lock

20) Which of the following is an example of spooled device?

A. The terminal used to enter the input data for a program being executed

B. The secondary memory device in a virtual memory system

C. A line printer used to print the output of a number of jobs

D. None of the above


1) B. frames
2) D. Process termination and Resource preemption
3) A. context switch
4) C. long term scheduler
5) B. Buffering
6) A. has the values one or zero
7) A. if no process faces starvation
8) B. buffer swapping
9) B. fault tolerance
10) C. an illusion of extremely large main memory
11) A. I/O device Handler
12) B. main thread terminates after the termination of child threads
13) A. process control block
14) B. shared device converted to a dedicated device
15) C. multiprogramming
16) A. Translation look a side buffer
17) B. buffering
18) A. monolithic
19) D. dead lock
20) C. A line printer used to print the output of a number of jobs

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Objective Questions on Core Operating System set-12

1) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of process is ...

A. FCFS scheduling

B. Round robin scheduling algorithm

C. Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

D. Priority scheduling algorithm

2) The hardware mechanism that enables a device to notify the CPU is called .......

A. polling

B. interrupt

C. system call

D. none of the above

3) In the running state ........

A. only the process which has control of the processor is found

B. all the process waiting for I/O to be completed are found

C. all the processes waiting for the processor are found

D. none of the above

4) Which technique was introduced because a single job could keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?

A. Time sharing

B. Spooling

C. Preemptive scheduling

D. Multiprogramming

5) RMA works on static priorities while EDF algorithm works on ........

A. starvation

B. dynamic priorities

C. RR scheduling

D. FIFO scheduling

6) In the ........... method of data transfer, the participation of the processor is eliminated during data transfer.

A. buffering

B. caching

C. direct memory access

D. indirect memory access

7) Inter process communication can be done through ....

A. mails

B. messages

C. system calls

D. traps

8) RR scheduling is most suitable for ........

A. time shared OS

B. distributed OS

C. real time OS

D. an Ordinary OS

9) The aim of ......... transparency is to ensure that the movement of the object is handled automatically by the system in a user transparent manner.

A. location

B. name

B. migration

D. scaling

10) ........... is a memory management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous.

A. Paging

B. Segmentation

C. Virtual memory

D. main memory

11) Context switching is ........

A. part of spooling

B. part of polling

C. part of interrupt handling

D. part of paging

12) The normal functioning of an RPC may get disrupted due to ..........

A. call message gets lost

B. response message gets lost

C. callee node and caller node crashes and is restarted

D. All of the above

13) Mutual exclusion is referred as .......

A. if one process is in a critical region others are excluded

B. prevents deadlock

C. requires semaphore to implement

D. is found only in the windows NT operating system

14) IFO scheduling is ..........

A. preemptive

B. non-preemptive

C. deadline scheduling

D. RR scheduling

15) .......... deals with the process of deciding which process should be assigned to which processor.

A. Process migration

B. Processor allocation

C. threads

D. none of the above

16) Which scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming?

A. Short term scheduler

B. Long term scheduler

C. Middle term scheduler

D. Pre term scheduler

17) Safe state is .......

A. deadlock state

B. non-deadlocked state

C. polling state

D. spooling state

18) ........ time is defined as the time period for which the execution of the process is stopped for transferring its information to the destination node.

A. turn around

B. latency

C. freezing

D. execution

19) The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of

A. virtual memory

B. interrupts

C. main memory

D. cache memory

20) For a multiple instances of resource type which algorithm is used .......

A. divide and conquer algorithm

B. banker's algorithm

C. partition algorithm

D. sorting algorithm


1) C. Shortest job first scheduling algorithm
2) B. interrupt
3) A. only the process which has control of the processor is found
4) D. Multiprogramming
5) C. RR scheduling
6) C. direct memory access
7) B. messages
8) A. time shared OS
9) B. migration
10) A. Paging
11) C. part of interrupt handling
12) D. All of the above
13) A. if one process is in a critical region others are excluded
14) B. non-preemptive
15) B. Processor allocation
16) B. Long term scheduler
17) B. non-deadlocked state
18) C. freezing
19) D. cache memory
20) B. banker's algorithm

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Interview Questions on Operating System Basis set-11

1) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk?

A. Seek time

B. Rotational time

C. Transmission time

D. Waiting time

2) What is the primary job of the operating system is a computer?

A. Command resources

B. Manage resources

C. Provide utilities

D. Be user friendly

3) The ......... is a user process that initiates a remote procedure call.

A. client

B. server

C. network

D. operating system

4) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from external fragmentation?

A. Segmentation

B. Pure demand paging

C. Swapping

D. Paging

5) Which of the following is used to removal of process from active contention of CPU and reintroduce them into memory later?

A. Interrupt

B. Swapping

C. Signal

D. Thread

6) The operating system manages .....

A. memory

B. processor

C. disk and I/O devices

D. all of the above

7) Information about a process is maintained in a .........

A. stack

B. translation look a side buffer

C. process control block

D. program control block

8) Paging .........

A. solves the memory fragmentation problem

B. allows modular programming

C. allows structured programming

D. avoids deadlock

9) Which is not the layer of the Operating system?

A. Kernel

B. Shell

C. Application program

D. Critical Section

10) Distributed OS works on the ............ principle.

A. file foundation

B. single system image

C. multi system image

D. networking image

11) The collection of processes on the disk that is waiting to be brought into memory for execution forms the .......

A. ready queue

B. device queue

C. input queue

D. priority queue

12) In ....... condition, processes are allowed to request for new resources without releasing the resources that they are currently holding.

A. Mutual exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

13) The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting information is called .....

A. rotational delay

B. seek time

C. search time

D. response time

14) The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of ........

A. virtual memory

B. interrupts

C. main memory

D. cache memory

15) In .......... condition, a resource that has been allocated to a process becomes available for allocation to another process only after it has been voluntarily released by the process holding it.

A. Mutual exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

16) Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system ...

A. Accounting

B. Protection

C. Error detection and correction

D. Dead lock handling

17) Multiprocessing ...........

A. makes the operating system simpler

B. allows multiple processes to run simultaneously

C. is completely understood by all major computer vendors

D. allows the same computer to have the multiple processors

18) In ............. condition, two or more processes must form a circular chain in which each process is waiting for a resource that is held by the next member of the chain.

A. Mutual exclusion

B. Hold and wait

C. No preemption

D. Circular wait

19) Which of the following is not advantage of multiprogramming?

A. Increased throughput

B. Shorter response time

C. Decreased operating system overhead

D. Ability to assign priorities of jobs

20) Which is not a state of the process?

A. Blocked

B. Running

C. Ready

D. Privileged


1) A. Seek time
2) B. Manage resources
3) A. client
4) A. Segmentation
5) B. Swapping
6) D. all of the above
7) C. process control block
8) A. solves the memory fragmentation problem
9) D. Critical Section
10) B. single system image
11) C. input queue
12) B. Hold and wait
13) B. seek time
14) D. cache memory
15) C. No preemption
16) C. Error detection and correction
17) D. allows the same computer to have the multiple processors
18) D. Circular wait
19) C. Decreased operating system overhead
20) D. Privileged

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MCQ on Operating System Fundamental set-10

1) The process of storing extra or duplicate information used for rebuilding the lost information in event of disks failure is known as ...

A. stripping

B. redundancy

C. disk array


2) A thread that is to be canceled is often referred to as the ....

A. target thread

B. thread cancellation

C. asynchronous cancellation

D. defined cancellation

3) ........... ensures the every message sent to a group of receivers will be delivered to either all of them or none of them.

A. Ordered delivery

B. Atomicity

B. Survivability

D. Realiability

4) An arrangement of record in a sequence in which they arrive is known as a ...........

A. pile

B. file

C. disk

D. directory

5) ........... also known as monitor mode.

A. User mode

B. System mode

C. Unprivileged mode

D. Process mode

6) The technique, for sharing the time of a computer among several jobs, which switches jobs so rapidly such that each job appears to have the computer to itself, is called ........

A. time sharing

B. time out

C. time domain

D. multitasking

7) For batch and payroll applications which of the following file organization is better ........

A. random file

B. sequential file

C. indexed file

D. hashed file

8) Name the scheduler that selects among the processes that are ready to execute and allocates the CPU to one of them.

A. Long term scheduler

B. Medium term scheduler

C. Job scheduler

D. Short term scheduler

9) Failure during inter-process communication may be due to .....

A. loss of request transfer unit

B. single datagram messages

C. multi datagram messages

D. message passing

10) The process of direct mapping by using some faster algorithms is called as .........

A. hashing

B. searching

C. sorting

D. indexing

11) Name the system in which the processors do not share memory and each processor that its own local memory.

A. Tightly coupled system

B. Parallel processing system

C. Loosely coupled system

D. Batch processing system

12) Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and I/O devices busy?

A. Time-sharing

B. Spooling

C. preemptive scheduling

D. Multiprogramming

13) Those directories in which the root directory has all system file and no other sub-directory is known as ...

A. flat directory

B. single directory

C. hierarchical directory

D. indexed directory

14) Which is responsible for maintaining all the important abstractions of the operating system?

A. Kernel

B. System libraries

C. System utilities

D. Daemons

15) A four message reliable IPC protocol for client server communication works as ........

A. request, reply, acknowledgment

B. reply, acknowledgment, request, acknowledgment

C. request, acknowledgment, reply, acknowledgment

D. request, request, reply, acknowledgment

16) A path name that starts at root directory is ..........

A. absolute

B. relative

C. hybrid

D. hierarchical

17) Where does the problem of fragmentation occur?

A. Static storage allocation

B. Static allocation storage

C. Stack allocation with dynamic binding

D. Heap allocation

18) Idempotency basically means .........

A. reliability

B. repeatability

C. Survivability

D. flexibility

19) All path names are specified relative to the working directory ........

A. absolute path name

B. relative path name

C. hybrid path name

D. hierarchical path name

20) The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting information is called ........

A. rotational latency

B. seek time

C. search time

D. response time


1) B. redundancy
2) A. target thread
3) B. Atomicity
4) A. pile
5) B. System mode
6) A. time sharing
7) B. sequential file
8) D. Short term scheduler
9) B. single datagram messages
10) A. hashing
11) C. Loosely coupled system
12) D. Multiprogramming
13) A. flat directory
14) A. Kernel
15) C. request, acknowledgment, reply, acknowledgment
16) A. absolute
17) D. Heap allocation
18) B. repeatability
19) B. relative path name
20) D. response time

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Solved MCQ on Operating System Basis set-9

1) The process is ........

A. an instance of a program in execution

B. a program only

C. a processor state

D. the kernel state

2) The mechanism that brings a page into memory only when it is needed is called .....

A. segmentation

B. fragmentation

C. demand paging

D. page replacement

3) The two paradigms if IPC are ............ and .......

A. call, reply

B. shared memory, message passing

C. send, receive

D. call by value, call by reference

4) A program is passive while a process is ..........

A. inactive

B. spontaneous

C. active

D. impulse

5) FIFO scheduling is ..........

A. preemptive scheduling

B. non preemptive scheduling

C. deadline scheduling

D. fair share scheduling

6) ......... ensures that once transaction completes successively, the results of the operations become permanent.

A. serializability

B. synchronizability

C. atomicity

D. durability

7) A process is created and is initially put in the ........

A. ready queue

B. device queue

C. i/o queue

D. waiting queue

8) Which directory implementation is used in most of the Operating System?

A. single level directory structure

B. two level directory structure

C. tree directory structure

D. acyclic directory structure

9) Isolation property is also know as .........

A. Performance

B. Serializability

C. Durability

D. Atomicity

10) A thread is a ..........

A. task

B. process

C. program

D. light weight process

11) The interval from the fine submission of a process to the time of completion is the ......

A. waiting time

B. blocked time

C. turnaround time

D. response time

12) The term "Operating System" means ..........

A. a set of programs which controls computer working

B. the way a computer operator works

C. conversion of high-level language in to machine level language

D. the way a floppy disk drive operates

13) Generally we have user level threads and ...........

A. Programmer level thread

B. kernel level thread

C. program level thread

D. process level thread

14) To ensure that the ......... condition never occurs in the system, we must guarantee that, whenever a process requests a resource, it does not have any other resource.

A. mutual exclusion

B. no-preemption

C. circular waits

D. hold and wait

15) Resource locking ........

A. allows multiple tasks to simultaneously use resource

B. forces only on task to use any resource at any time

C. can easily cause a dead lock condition

D. in not used for disk drives

16) A program responsible for assigning the CPU to the process that has been selected by the short term scheduler is known as .........

A. scheduler

B. dispatcher

C. debugger

D. compiler

17) The .......... instruct Kernel to do various operations of the calling program and exchange data between the Kernel at the program.

A. shell

B. editors

C. system calls

D. commands

18) Which of the following buffering strategies are used in interprocess communication?

A. null pointer

B. single message buffer

C. multiple message buffer

D. all of the above

19) The process of splitting of data into equal size partitions over multiple disks is known as .....

A. data stripping

B. array of disks



20) Pipes allow transfer of data between processor in a .......... manner.

A. last in first out

B. shortest job first

C. multilevel queue

D. first in first out


1) A. an instance of a program in execution
2) C. demand paging
3) B. shared memory, message passing
4) C. active
5) B. non preemptive scheduling
6) D. durability
7) A. ready queue
8) C. tree directory structure
9) B. Serializability
10) D. light weight process
11) C. turnaround time
12) A. a set of programs which controls computer working
13) B. kernel level thread
14) D. hold and wait
15) B. forces only on task to use any resource at any time
16) B. dispatcher
17) C. system calls
18) D. all of the above
19) A. data stripping
20) D. first in first out

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MCQ Questions on Fundamental of Java set-16


1) Java programs are ........ independent.

A. platform

B. procedural

C. high level

D. Secure

2) Methods having same name, same type signature are called ....... methods.

A. overriding

B. overloading

C. overwriting

D. over reading

3) When several tasks are handled by a single CPU, it is called .........

A. multitasking

B. task

C. simultaneous

D. taker

4) A Java program must contain a ....... method.

A. user defined

B. main

C. local

D. return

5) Package statement helps to create many classes to have ........ name.

A. differ

B. vanity

C. same

D. punch

6) Threads can be created by extending .......... class.

A. new

B. operator

C. thread

D. super thread

7) ........... operator is used to create an array.

A. new

B. public

C. key

D. main

8) A method without the body is called ......... method.

A. view

B. class

C. abstract

D. user defined

9) Threads can be created by implementing ......... interface.

A. new

B. create

C. main

D. runnable

10) An instance of a class is ........

A. method

B. initialize

C. declared

D. object

11) The wrapper classes are defined in ........ packages.

A. java.Lan

B. java.Lang

C. java.Nill

D. java.Math

12) What is an example of polymorphism?

A. inner class

B. anonymous classes

C. method overloading

D. method overriding

13) The variable in class is called ........ variable

A. local

B. minimum

C. instance

D. define

14) User defined exception can be created using ..........class.

A. catch

B. try

C. throwable

D. get

15) To compare the contents of two objects ........ method is used.

A. equals

B. non equals

C. multiple

D. delay

16) A special type of method that is used to initialize an object is called..........

A. constructor

B. destructor

C. modification

D. editor

17) An abnormal condition occurring in a Java program is called ......

A. error

B. viewer

C. abstract

D. exception

18) Graphics object can only be drawn on ........

A. view

B. windows

C. applet

D. zoom

19) String constants are said to be .......... of string class.

A. objects

B. char

C. data

D. variable

20) Exception that is identified during compile time is called ......... exception.

A. user defined

B. checked

C. undefined

D. defined


1) A. platform
2) A. overriding
3) A. multitasking
4) B. main
5) C. same
6) C. thread
7) A. new
8) C. abstract
9) D. runnable
10) D. object
11) B. java.Lang
12) C. method overloading
13) C. instance
14) C. throwable
15) A. equals
16) A. constructor
17) D. exception
18) B. windows
19) A. objects
20) B. checked

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Interview Questions on Core Java Language set-3


1) The CODE value in an ......... tag must name a class file that is in the same directory as the calling HTML page.

A. (applet)

B. >applet<

C. <applet>

D. <applet tag>

2) A class can be converted to a thread by implementing the interface ..........

A. Thread

B. Runnable

C. Start

D. Yield

3) Which of the following classes are not available in the java.lang package?

A. Stack

B. Object

C. Math

D. String

4) State True or False for the following statements.

i) Reader class has a method that can read and return floats and doubles

ii) It is possible to use the File class to list the contents of the current of the working directory

A. i-True, ii-False

B. i-False, ii-True

C. i-True, ii-True

D. i-False, ii-False

5) The setBackground() method is part of the following class in JAVA.awt package.

A. Component

B. Graphics

C. Applet

D. Container

6) Which method is used to set the text of a Label object?

A. setText()

B. setLabel()

C. setTextLabel()

D. setLabelText()

7) Which of the following statement is/are True?

i) A Java monitor must either extend Thread class or implement Runnable interface

ii) The CheckboxGroup class is a subclass of the component class

A. i- only

B. ii- only

C. Both i and ii

D. None of the above

8) When we invoke repaint() for JAVA.awt.Component object, the AWT invokes the method .......

A. update()

B. draw()

C. show()

D. paint()

9) Which of the following methods are invoked by the AWT to support paint and repaint operations?

A. paint()

B. repaint()

C. draw()

D. redraw()

10) A thread can make a second thread ineligible for execution by calling the ......... method on the second thread.

A. second()

B. suspend()

C. append()

D. yield()

11) When we implement the Runnable interface, we must define the method

A. run()

B. start()

C. init()

D. main()

12) Which of the following are passed as an argument to the paint() method?

A. A Canvas object

B. A Graphics object

C. An image object

D. A paint object

13) State whether the following statements are True or False.

i) A class may be both abstract and final

ii) A final class may not have any abstract methods

iii) Frames and applets cannot be used together in the same program.

A. i-True, ii-True, iii-False

B. i-True, ii-False, iii-True

C. i-False, ii-True, iii-False

D. i-False, ii-True, iii-True

14) The methods wait() and notify() are defined in?

A. java.lang.String

B. java.lang.Object

C. java.lang.Runnable

D. java.lang.Thread

15) Which of the following components generate action events?

A. Buttons

B. Labels

C. Check boxes

D. Windows

16) Which javadoc tag is used to denote a comment for a method parameter?

A. @method

B. @parameter

C. @arjument

D. @param

17) Which of the following are not the wrapper classes?

A. Byte

B. Vector

C. Integer

D. Short

18) Which of the following classes is used to perform basic console I/O?

A. system

B. security Manager

C. math

D. runtime

19) Which of the following command lines options generates documentation for all classes and methods?

A. -protected

B. -public

C. -private

D. -verbose

20) What is java_g used for?

A. Using the jdb tool

B. Executing a class with optimization turned off

C. To provide information about deprecated methods

D. None of the above


1) C. <applet>
2) B. Runnable
3) A. Stack
4) A. i-True, ii-False
5) A. Component
6) A. setText()
7) D. None of the above
8) A. update()
9) A. paint()
10) C. append()
11) A. run()
12) B. A Graphics object
13) C. i-False, ii-True, iii-False
14) B. java.lang.Object
15) A. Buttons
16) D. @param
17) B. Vector
18) A. system
19) C. -private
20) B. Executing a class with optimization turned off

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Objective Questions on Core Java Language set-2


1) The methods wait() and notify() are defined in

A. java.lang.String

B. java.lang.Runnable

C. java.lang.Object

D. java.lang.Thread

2) The data or variables, defined within a class are called ..... variables.

A. object

B. class

C. instance

D. schema

3) When we implement the Runnable interface, we must define the method.

A. start()

B. init()

C. run()

D. resume()

4) ........ class must give a concrete method.

A. abstract

B. constructor

C. least

D. program

5) Which exception is thrown by the read() method of input stream class?

A. Exception

B. FileNotFoundException

C. ReadException

D. IOException

6) When a method calls itself, it is called ......

A. recursion

B. distance

C. display

D. problem

7) Which of the following statements are true?

i) An abstract class may not have any final methods.

ii) A final class may not have any abstract methods

iii) An inner class may be declared with any accessibility keyword

iv) Transient variable must be static

A. i and ii

B. ii and iii

C. iii and iv

D. All i, ii, iii and iv

8) Which of the following statements is/are false?

A. A java monitor must either extend thread or implement runnable

B. The sleep() method should be enclosed in try .... catch block.

C. A thread can be temporarily suspended from running by using the wait() method.

D. A suspended thread using suspend() method can be received using the resume() method.

9) What does J2SE mean?

A. Java 2 Platform Standard Edition

B. Java 2 Internet Standard Edition

C. Java 2 System Edition

D. Java 2 Platform Independent Standard Edition

10) An ........ is a special kind of Java program that is designed to be transmitted over the Internet.

A. viewlet

B. applet

C. servlet

D. object

11) Which are the valid ways to create DataInptStream streams?

A. new DataInputStream();

B. new DataInputStream("in.dat', "r");

C. new DataInputStream(new File("in.dat"));

D. new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("in.dat");

12) finalize() is only called just prior to .....

A. initialization

B. runtime

C. garbage collection

D. destruction

13) When we invoke repaint() for a component, the AWT invokes the method

A. draw()

B. show()

C. update()

D. paint()

14) What is the use of valueOf() method?

A. It converts data from its internal format into a human-readable form.

B. It converts integer value to string

C. It converts string to int value

D. It converts string to float value

15) What is the default thread at the time of starting the program?

A. Main thread

B. Thread Group

C. Child Thread

D. Thread Pool

16) What does the following line of code do?

       TextField text= new TextField(10);

A. Creates text object that can hold 10 rows of text

B. Creates text object that can hold 10 columns of text

C. Creates the object text and initialize it with the value 10

D. The code is illegal

17) .......... is an applet tag.

A. (applet)

B. >applet<

C. <applet>

D. <applet tag>

18) In Java thread to thread communication is called ......

A. Passing

B. sending

C. Messaging

D. Calling

19) AWT stands for

A. abstract window toolkit

B. abstract window toolbar

C. access window toolbar

D. access window toolbar

20) The setBackground() method is part of the class

A. Graphics

B. Applet

C. Component

D. Container


1) C. java.lang.Object
2) C. instance
3) D. resume()
4) A. abstract
5) D. IOException
6) A. recursion
7) B. ii and iii
8) A. A java monitor must either extend thread or implement runnable
9) A. Java 2 Plateform Standard Edition
10) B. applet
11) D. new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("in.dat");
12) C. garbage collection
13) C. update()
14) D. It converts string to float value
15) A. Main thread
16) B. Creates text object that can hold 10 columns of text
17) C. <applet>
18) C. Messaging
19) A. abstract window toolkit
20) C. Component

Related Posts:

Interview Questions on Overview of Java set-15


1) Object is an ........ of class.

A. instance

B. implement

C. inheritance

D. invoke

2) ....... is the wrapper class.

A. Random

B. Byte

C. Vector

D. String

3) Class is a ........ entity.

A. logical

B. Physical

C. up normal

D. collection of

4) Which of the following denotes a javadoc comment?

A. //#

B. /*

C. /**

D. //**

5) Object is a ........ entity.

A. normal

B. physical

C. logical

D. normal

6) One interface can inherit another by use of the keyword ........

A. public

B. extends

C. method name

D. class name

7) ......... must be the first non comment statement in the file

A. package

B. class

C. object

D. declaration

8) In java thread to thread communication is called ....

A. passing

B. sending

C. messaging

D. calling

9) Every method of a ........... is implicitly final.

A. static class

B. dynamic class

C. final class

D. abstract class

10) The string is defined in ......... name space.

A. java.Lang

B. java.String

C. java.Char

D. java.Awt

11) A ......... object cannot be modified after it is created.

A. double

B. int

C. string

D. main

12) ......... is a special member function.

A. method

B. class

C. use defined function

D. constructor

13) A ........ class may not have any abstract method.

A. abstract

B. static

C. final

D. public

14) Keyword .......... is always a reference to the object.

A. new

B. this

C. invoke

D. class

15) ......... operators are overloaded for string objects?

A. -,+

B. +,=

C. <<,>>

D. ++,--

16) ....... is a small unit of process.

A. method

B. thread

C. applet

D. steam

17) ....... is valid for if statement?

A. An integer expression

B. A Boolean expression

C. A character expression

D. A legal expression

18) Wrapper class is a wrapper around a ....... data type.

A. normal

B. central

C. primitive

D. concrete

19) ........ statement is valid for array declaration.

A. int number();

B. float number();

C. float number[];

D. count int[];

20) ....... operators which concatenates two strings.

A. +

B. ++

C. -

D. +-


1) A. instance
2) B. Byte
3) A. logical
4) C. /**
5) B. physical
6) B. extends
7) A. package
8) C. messaging
9) C. final class
10) A. java.Lang
11) C. string
12) D. constructor
13) C. final
14) B. this
15) B. +,=
16) B. thread
17) B. A Boolean expression
18) C. primitive
19) C. float number[];
20) A. +

Related Posts:

Solved MCQ on Fundamental of Java Language set-14


1) Which of the following statement is/are true?
i) The name of a java program file must match the name of the class with the extension .java
ii) Two methods cannot have the same name in java

A. i- only

B. ii- only

C. Both i and ii

D. None of the above

2) Which of the following represent(s) of a hexadecimal number?

A. 570

B. (hex)5

C. 0X9F

D. 0X5

3) ........ can appear only where in the body of a java method.

A. definition

B. declaration

C. determine

D. package

4) State whether the following statement are True or False?
i) The modulus operator(%) can be used only with integer operands
ii) Declarations can appear anywhere in the body of a java method

A. i-True, ii-False

B. i-False, ii-True

C. i-True, ii-True

D. i-False, ii-False

5) Which of the following will produce a value of 22 if x=22.9?

A. ceil(x)

B. round(x)

C. rint(x)

D. abs(x)

6) ........ is passed to a method by use of call by reference.

A. Variables

B. Objects

C. Methods

D. Operators

7) Using the keyboard interface you can fully abstract a ...

A. Method

B. Keyword

C. Class

D. Variables

8) State True or False for the following statements in java.
i) All the bitwise operators have same level of precedence in java
ii) The default can is always required in the switch selection structure.

A. i-True, ii-False

B. i-False, ii-True

C. i-True, ii-True

D. i-False, ii-False

9) Java is designed for .......... environment of the Internet.

A. Development

B. Deduction

C. Distributed

D. Web Design

10) Which of the following will produce a value of 10 if x=9.7?

A. floor(x)

B. abs(x)

C. rint(x)

D. round(x)

11) Variable declared as ......... do not occupy on a per instance basis.

A. Static

B. Final

C. Abstract

D. Code

12) Which of the following is not keyword?


B. implements

C. protected

D. switch

13) The ...... statement is used to terminate a statement sequence.

A. Break

B. Switch

C. Continue

D. Wait

14) Multidimensional arrays are actually ......

A. Arrays of element

B. Arrays of variable

C. Arrays of arrays

D. Arrays of variable

15) Which of the following keywords are used to control access to a class member?
i) default ii) abstract iii) protected iv) interface v) public

A. i, ii and iii only

B. ii, iii and iv only

C. iii, iv and v only

D. ii, iii and v only

16) ....... is used for initialize the value to the string object.

A. Character literals

B. String literals

C. String group literals

D. Group literals

17) Which of the following methods can be used to remove a component from the display?

A. delete()

B. remove()

C. disappear()

D. hide()

18) Which of the following statements are valid array declaration?
i) int number(); ii) float average[ ];
iii) double[]marks; iv) counter int[];

A. i and ii

B. ii and iii

C. iii and iv

D. All i, ii, iii and iv

19) Which of the following methods belong to the String class?

A. length()

B. CompareTo()

C. equals()

D. substring()

E. All of the above

20) Which of the following in NOT represent legal flow control statements?

A. break;

B. break();

C. continue outer;

D. return;


1) A. i- only
2) A. 570
3) B. declaration
4) B. i-False, ii-True
5) C. rint(x)
6) B. Objects
7) C. Class
8) D. i-False, ii-False
9) C. Distributed
10) D. round(x)
11) B. Final
12) A. NULL
13) A. Break
14) C. Arrays of arrays
15) D. ii, iii and v only
16) B. String literals
17) D. hide()
18) B. ii and iii
19) E. All of the above
20) B. break();

Related Posts:

Interview Questions on Fundamental of C Language set-8


1) The control automatically passes the first statement after the loop in ..

A. Continue statement

B. Break statement

C. Switch statement

D. If statement

2) Which of the following is a scalar data type?

A. Float

B. Union

C. Array

D. Pointer

3) The given FOR loop is ..

for( ; ; ) { printf(" "); }

A. valid

B. invalid

C. indefinite

D. displays runtime error

4) In C, a union is ......

A. memory location

B. memory store

C. memory screen

D. memory space

5) The ......... statement causes immediate exit from the loop overriding the condition test ..

A. Exit

B. Break

C. Goto

D. None of the above

6) Pointers are of ..........

A. integer data type

B. character data type

C. unsigned integer data type

D. None of these

7) The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is ...

A. switch

B. goto

C. go back

D. return

8) Identify the invalid pointer arithmetic ......

A. addition of float value to a pointer

B. comparison of pointers that do not point to the element of the same array

C. subtracting an integer from a pointer

D. assigning the value 0 to a pointer variable

9) In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?

A. Value of elements in array

B. First element of the array

C. Base address of the array

D. Address of the last element of array

10) Header file in C contain ......

A. compiler commands

B. library functions

C. header information of C programs

D. operators for files

11) Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement?

A. Character

B. Integer

C. Float

D. Enum

12) The printf() function returns which value when an error occurs?

A. Positive value

B. zero

C. Negative value

D. None of these

13) When array elements are passed to a function with their values, it is called as ...

A. end value

B. call by value

C. return value

D. first value

14) Which of the following is character oriented console I/O function?

A. getchar() and putchar()

B. gets() and puts()

C. scanf() and printf()

D. fgets() and fputs()

15) In the for loop structure there are .......... optional clauses.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

16) Which header file is essential for using strcmp() function?

A. string.h

B. strings.h

C. text.h

D. strcmp.h

17) A multidimensional array can be expressed in terms of ...........

A. array of pointers rather than as pointers to a group of contiguous array

B. array without the group of contiguous array

C. data type arrays

D. qualifies of data types

18) The real constant in C can be expressed in which of the following forms?

A. fractional form only

B. exponential form only

C. ASCI form only

D. Both fractional and exponential forms

19) A structure ...

A. can be read as a single entity

B. cannot be read as a single entity

C. can be displayed as a single entity

D. has member variables that cannot be read individually

20) What will the function randomize() do?

A. returns a random number

B. returns a random number generator in the specified range

C. returns a random number generator with a random value based on time

D. return a random number with a given seed value


1) B. Break statement
2) A. Float
3) D. displays runtime error
4) C. memory screen
5) B. Break
6) D. None of these
7) D. return
8) D. assigning the value 0 to a pointer variable
9) C. Base address of the array
10) B. library functions
11) C. Float
12) C. Negative value
13) B. call by value
14) A. getchar() and putchar()
15) C. three
16) A. string.h
17) A. array of pointers rather than as pointers to a group of contiguous array
18) D. Both fractional and exponential forms
19) A. can be read as a single entity
20) C. returns a random number generator with a random value based on time

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Solved MCQ on Fundamental of C Language set-7


1) 'C' allows a three way transfer of control with the help of

A. Unary Operator

B. Relational Operator

C. Ternary Operator

D. Comparison Operator

2) Operators have hierarchy. It is used to know which operator ....

A. is most important

B. is used first

C. is faster

D. operators on large numbers

3) The statement that transfers control to the beginning of the loop is called ..

A. break statement

B. exit statement

C. continue statement

D. goto statement

4) C programming language was developed by ..

A. Dennis Ritche

B. Ken Thompson

C. Bill Gates

D. Peter Norton

5) The value that follows the keyword CASE may only be

A. constants

B. variable

C. number

D. semicolon

6) In a C language 'a' represents ...

A. a digit

B. an integer

C. a character

D. a word

7) The statement which is used to terminate the control from the loop is

A. break

B. continue

C. goto

D. exit

8) The continue command cannot be used with ....

A. for

B. switch

C. do

D. while

9) A self contained block of statements that perform a coherent task of some kind is called a .

A. Monitor

B. Function

C. Program

D. Structure

10) Which among the following is a unconditional control structure?

A. do while

B. if else

C. goto

D. for

11) Recursion is sometimes called

A. Circular definition

B. Complex definition

C. Procedure

D. Union

12) Every program statement in a C program end with ...

A. semicolon

B. comma

C. full stop

D. slash

13) The loop in which the statements within the loop are executed at least once is called

A. do-while

B. while

C. for

D. goto

14) The maximum length allowed in specifying the name of a C variable is ........

A. 45

B. 31

C. 56

D. 78

15) The break statement causes an exit

A. Only from the innermost loop

B. Only from the innermost switch

C. From the innermost loop or switch

D. From the program

16) Which of the following is a unformatted console I/O function to get a string input?

A. puts

B. gets

C. clrscr

D. scanf

17) The operators << and >> are

A. assignment operator

B. relational operator

C. logical operator

D. bitwise shift operator

18) The operator & is used for ........

A. Bitwise AND

B. Bitwise OR

C. Logical AND

D. Logical OR

19) Which of the following is FALSE in C

A. Keywords can be used as variable names

B. Variable names can contain a digit

C. Variable names do not contain a blank space

D. Capital letters can be used in variable names

20) The operator && is an example of ........... operator.

A. assignment

B. increment

C. logical

D. relational


1) C. Ternary Operator
2) B. is used first
3) C. continue statement
4) A. Dennis Ritche
5) A. constants
6) C. a character
7) A. break
8) D. while
9) B. Function
10) C. goto
11) A. Circular definition
12) A. semicolon
13) A. do-while
14) B. 31
15) C. From the innermost loop or switch
16) B. gets
17) D. bitwise shift operator
18) A. Bitwise AND
19) A. Keywords can be used as variable names
20) C. logical

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Objective Questions on Ms Power Point in Ms Office set-2


1) A chart can be put as a part of the presentation using

A. Chart From Insert Menu

B. Picture and Choose Chart From Insert Menu

C. Chart From Tools Menu

D. Chart From Format Menu

2) Which of the following can you used to add times to the slide in a presentation?

A. Slide show menu

B. Rehearse timing button

C. Slide transaction button

D. All of the above

3) Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation?

A. Outlines

B. Speaker notes

C. Audience handouts

D. All of the above

4) Which shortcut key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show.

A. F1

B. F2

C. F5

D. F10

5) In order to edit a chart, you can

A. Triple Click the chart object

B. Click and drag the chart object

C. Double Click the chart object

D. Click the above

6) Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts?

A. Six slides per page

B. Five slides per page

C. Three slides per page

D. Two slides per page

7) Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order.

A. Rehearsal

B. Custom Slide Show

C. Slide Show Setup

D. Slide Show View

8) Which file format can be added to a power point show?

A. jpg

B. gif

C. wav

D. All of the above

9) Which of the following provides a means of printing out feature notes with a miniature slide on a printed page?

A. Slides with animation

B. Outline view

C. Notes page view

D. Audience handout

10) Slide show options available to the presenter include all of the following except

A. Transitions Command

B. Speaker Notes Command

C. Meeting Minder Command

D. Navigation Command

11) In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are

A. .wav files and .mid files

B. .wav files and .gif files

C. .wav files and .jpg files

D. .jpg files and .gif files

12) What are symbols used to identify items in a list?

A. Icons

B. Markders

C. Bullets

D. Graphics

13) Which of the following will not advance the slides in slide show view?

A. The Esc key

B. The Spacebar

C. The Enter key

D. Delete key

14) In the context of animations, what is a trigger?

A. An action button that advances to the next slide

B. An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked

C. The name of motion path

D. None of the above

15) The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of the slides is called

A. Slide show

B. Slide sorter view

C. Notes page view

D. Outline view

16) Special effects used to introduction slides in a presentation are called

A. Effects

B. Custom Animation

C. Transitions

D. Present Animations

17) How can you quickly reinstate a deleted footer placeholder in master view?

A. Create a new slide master

B. Re-apply the footer placeholder

C. Re-apply the slide layout

D. None of the above

18) Which of the following should you do to bring a bullet back to a previous level?

A. Press the shift+tab keys

B. Press the shift key

C. Press the enter key

D. Press the tab key

19) Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transaction effects for all slides in a presentation?

A. Slide sorter view

B. Notes Pages Views

C. Slide View

D. Outline View

20) Which of the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide master?

A. Slide comments

B. Slide transactions

C. Speaker note font and color

D. All of the above


1) B. Picture and Choose Chart From Insert Menu
2) B. Rehearse timing button
3) C. Audience handouts
4) C. F5
5) C. Double Click the chart object
6) B. Five slides per page 
7) C. Slide Show Setup
8) D. All of the above
9) D. Audience handout
10) A. Transitions Command
11) A. .wav files and .mid files
12) C. Bullets
13) A. The Esc key
14) B. An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
15) B. Slide sorter view
16)  C. Transitions
17) B. Re-apply the footer placeholder
18) A. Press the shift+tab keys
19) A. Slide sorter view
20) B. Slide transactions

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For More Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ's): Click Here

Solved MCQ on Ms PowerPoint in Ms Office set-1


1) Which of the following toolbars provide different options in various master views?

A. Common Task Toolbar

B. Drawing Toolbar

C. Formatting Toolbar

D. Standard Toolbar

2) Which of the following allow you to select more than one slides in slide sorter view?

A. Alt+Click on each slide

B. Shift+Drag each slide

C. Shift+Click on each slide

D. Ctrl+Click each slide

3) The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except

A. Slide number

B. Title

C. Footer

D. Header

4) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slide in Power Point?

A. Vertical

B. Landscape

C. Portrait

D. Tail

5) The boxes that are displayed to indicated that the text, pictures or objects are placed in it called ..

A. Placeholder

B. Auto text

C. Text Box

D. Word Art

6) Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box?

A. Slide shows

B. Insert

C. Slide master

D. Zoom

7) Which of the following provides a means of printing our features notes with a miniature slide in printed page ?

A. Slides with animation

B. Outline view

C. Notes page

D. Audience handout

8) The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the

A. Table Slide

B. Graph Slide

C. Bullet Slide

D. Title Slide

9) Which of the following bypass the print dialog box when printing individual slides of an entire presentation?

A. File, Print Preview

B. The Print button

C. File, Print

D. Ctrl+P

10) You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except

A. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar

B. Clicking File, New

C. Clicking on File, Open

D. Pressing CTRL+N

11) The power point view that display only text is

A. Slide show

B. Slide sorter view

C. Notes page view

D. Outline view

12) Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views?

A. Common tasks toolbar

B. Drawing toolbar

C. Formatting toolbar

D. Standard toolbar

13) Presentation designs regulate the formatting and layout for the slide and are commonly called

A. Design plates

B. Templates

C. Placeholders

D. Blueprints

14) Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look?

A. The slide, layout option

B. Outline View

C. Add a slide option

D. A presentation design template

15) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines and handouts?

A. Vertical

B. Landscape

C. Portrait

D. None of the above

16) Animation schemes can be applied to in the presentation

A. All slides

B. Select Slides

C. Current Slide

D. All of the above

17) Which command bring you to the first slide in your presentation?

A. Next slide button

B. Page up

C. Ctrl+Home

D. Ctrl+End

18) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in Power Point?

A. Vertical

B. Landscape

C. Portrait

D. None of the above

19) To insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose

A. Ctrl+M

B. Ctrl+N

C. Ctrl+O

D. Ctrl+F

20) Material consisting of text and number is best presented as

A. A table slide

B. A bullet slide

C. A title slide

D. All of the above


1) A. Common Task Toolbar
2) C. Shift+Click on each slide
3) B. Title
4) B. Landscape
5) A. Placeholder
6) D. Zoom
7) D. Audience handout
8) D. Title Slide
9) B. The Print button
10) C. Clicking on File, Open
11) D. Outline view
12) A. Common tasks toolbar
13) B. Templates
14) D. A presentation design template
15) C. Portrait
16) A. All slides
17) C. Ctrl+Home
18) B. Landscape
19) A. Ctrl+M
20) A. A table slide

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Interview Questions on Microsoft Excel with Answer set-6


1) When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are

A. Hyper-linked place in a word table

B. Linked

C. Embedded

D. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

2) All worksheet formula

A. Manipulate values

B. Manipulate labels

C. Return a formula result

D. Use the addition operator

3) Which of the following is available in Formula Auditing?

A. Trace Precedents

B. Trace Dependents

C. Trace Error

D. All

4) Concatenation of text can be done using ..

A. Apostrophe(')

B. Exclamation(!)

C. Hash(#)

D. Ampersand(&)

5) You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?

A. Labels, values and formulas

B. Labels and values but not formulas

C. Values and formulas but not labels

D. Formulas only

6) Which of the following is NOT in sheet

A. Tab Color

B. Rename

C. Hide

D. All

7) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using ..

A. Auto Formatting

B. Applying styles

C. Changing fonts

D. All of the above

8) A circular reference is

A. Geometric modeling tool

B. A cell that points to a drawing object

C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself

D. Always erroneous

9) Which of the following is used to copy the contents and formats of the bottom cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the right.

A. Fill Left

B. Fill Up

C. Fill Right

D. Fill Down

10) Which area in an Excel windows allows entering values and formulas

A. Title bar

B. Menu bar

C. Formula bar

D. Standard toolbar

11) When a label is too long to fit withing a worksheet cell, you typically must

A. Shorten the label

B. Increase the column width

C. Decrease the column width

D. Adjust the row height

12) A group of related data points plotted in a chart that originates from rows or columns on a single worksheet.

A. Data Label

B. Data Marker

C. Data Series

D. Legend

13) Name box locate on ..

A. Left size of formula bar

B. Right side of formula bar

C. Center of formula bar

D. None of the above

14) The ChartWizard term data categories refers to

A. A chart plot area

B. A horizontal axis

C. The organization of individual values with a chart's data series

D. The data range that supplies chart data

15) A box that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series ..

A. Data Label

B. Data Marker

C. Data Series

D. Legend

16) You can not link excel worksheet data to a word document.

A. With the right drag method

B. With a hyperlink

C. With the copy and paste special commands

D. With the copy and paste button on the standard toolbar

17) Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with

A. Cell names

B. Column numbers and row numbers

C. Column letters and row numbers

D. Cell locator's coordinates

18) A bar, area or slice or other symbols in a chart that represents a single data point or value.

A. Data Label

B. Data Marker

C. Data Series

D. Legend

19) Which of the following methods cannot be used to entry data in a cell?

A. Pressing an arrow key

B. Pressing the tab key

C. Pressing the Esc key

D. Clicking on the formula bar

20) You want to view the progress of the stock market on a regular daily basis.

A. Pie chart

B. Row chart

C. Line chart

D. Column chart


1) B. Linked
2) C. Return a formula result
3) D. All
4) D. Ampersand(&)
5) A. Labels, values and formulas
6) D. All
7) D. All of the above
8) C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
9) B. Fill Up
10) C. Formula bar
11) B. Increase the column width
12) C. Data Series
13) A. Left size of formula bar
14) B. A horizontal axis
15) D. Legend
16) D. With the copy and paste button on the standard toolbar
17) C. Column letters and row numbers
18) B. Data Marker
19) A. Pressing an arrow key
20) C. Line chart

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